Monday, December 2, 2019

7 Tips on Being the Right Kind of Professional at Work

7 Tips on Being the Right Kind of Professional at Work Article by Karin VandraissA few minutes into my morning commute, I glanced up from my book and inwardly groaned. When I should have been looking out across the water at the Seattle skyline, I was headed down an unfamiliar side street toward a neighborhood nowherbeie near my office.I pulled out my phone to send my boss a quick email Good morning, just wanted to let you know Ill be in a few minutes late. Bus trouble She shot back a cheery, No problem, see you soon I then sent my coworker a text with a few choice words and emojis about my inability to master public transportation.After nearly a year at my current job, I know its customary to send a note if youll be arriving significantly later than usual as a courtesy. Although my boss and I are on very friendly terms, a quick email is mora appropriate than texting but I do have friends who wouldnt think twice about sending their boss a text, emojis and all, or wouldnt have sent an update in the first place because that would be considered overkill in their office.No two company cultures are quite the same, and figuring out what professional means in your office or even just on your immediate team isnt always easy.Professionalism will differ depending on your line of work as well for example, my internal emails laden with Full House gifs probably wouldnt fly at my best friends law firm.It took me a few weeks of careful observation to get the lay of the land at my new job. To do so, I had to observe everythingfrom what my new coworkers were wearing to whether they took lunch or ate at their desks. I took mental notes (more trendy jeans than traditional business casual wear same went for going out versus working through lunch). A similar mentality seemed to apply to communication style as well, which leaned toward casual rather than overly formal.I took particular note of the emails I was receiving, because today there is suc h a thing as being too professional. Although theres still a time and place for formalities, fruchtwein people I work with have adopted a more business casual approach to communication (both in person and from behind a computer), one that makes it seem like youre actually interacting with another human being rather than a robot.But findingthat perfect combination of personable and consummate professional is a learned skill. Luckily, I happen to work with a few people who seem to have mastered the concept, and Ive picked up a few things from themThe Art of the EmailNavigating the subtle nuances of email is an art form one punctuation misstep and things can go downhill quickly. Ionce spent a full day agonizing over a five-line email, my finger hovering over send like the free world depended on my message being executed perfectly.1. Watch Your ToneAlthough you shouldnt give any email that much thought, you should think a little aboutthe tone youre going for inthe message and the approp riate level of formality. When first writing someone, I aim for conversational, letting my personal voice show through while retaining the basic elements of formality, like a proper greeting, punctuation, spelling, etc. Depending on the response, Ill adjust my correspondence accordingly. In my experience, matching another persons tone can often make for better communication. (But dont feel the need to sacrifice your intellectual integrity for someone intent on typingu instead of you.)2. The Period Is No Longer NeutralYou can feel the chill from across the office when someone sends you a sentence purposefully cut short with a period. Once unthreatening, this punctuation mark can now convey a healthy dose of snark, sternness, or even aggression. Take a second glance at your next message to make sure that period doesnt make you sound unintentionally menacing or uptight.3. Its Okay to Use Exclamation Points (Sparingly)Exclamation points can be effective ways to express enthusiasm (or gi ve an otherwise flat email a sense of levity) if used with restraint. I try to stick to one per email, and I draw a firm line at emoticons.4. Your Sign-Off Can Say a LotA few years ago, I wouldnt have thought anything of it, but today, ending an email with Thanks can make you seem inadvertently curt. I usually use Best or All the best if Im feeling fancy. I dont see Sincerely too often anymore, except on college intern applications.But Dont Get Too ComfortableWhether its via email or face to face, there are still a few areas where you can never be too professional, no matter how its defined in your workplace. At the end of the day, yourestill at work. Being able to preserve working relationships should always be high on your priority list.5. Be TactfulEven if your office has a laid-back vibe, its pretty hard to come back from an uncomfortably flippant or politically incorrect remark. Use your filter. Whether yourein a brainstorming session or just chatting in the break room, youre s till in a work environment. Theres a level of professional respect expected you never know what might offend another person.6. Be ConstructiveIf theres an issue, offer a solution dont just continue the negativity. It makes people uncomfortable and detracts focus from solving the problem. Avoid comments that could come off as belittling or condescending, especially in group settings.7. Keep Your CoolThrowing a temper tantrum at work will instantly mark you with a glowing neon sign above your head that reads, Cant keep it together like an adult. A temper tantrumincludes slamming drawers, stomping around, sighing loudly, and/or aggressively muttering to yourself. If you have an issue with someone or something, take a walk, count to 10, or do whatever it is you need to do to keep yourself from losing it. If you feel the need to raise the concern with a superior, collect your thoughts beforehand and head into the room with a cool head.A version of this article originally appeared on SUC Vandraiss is a Seattle-based writer and editor with a background in food and travel. She recently returned to the West Coast after receiving her masters degree from the Medill School of Journalism. She spends her off-hours exploring local restaurants and bars and hiking her way through the Pacific Northwest.

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